Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

How To Change Eye Color With Photoshop

So, the first part is open photoshop which you have to installed it first  , if you don’t (click here). And open the image that you want to change it’s eye color.
Photoshop is an editing app that available in PCs also in tablets. It can make some incredible edits, anything that you cannot imagine can be made in this app. It’s quite a magical app.

This is the photoshop looks.

Screenshot - 22_08_2013 , 18_24_34.png

To change an eye color you have to zoom it little bit to get a better view to the eyes. Click Z and it’ll lead you to the zoom tool (it looks like a magnifier) . Or you just can click on the at the tools panel.

Zoom it till it looks like this one

The background is still locked, (if its locked the whole process wont be shown in the project) so all you going to do it right click – duplicate layer – ok. After that you will have two backgrounds. Erase the locked one by dragging the locked background into the trash bin.

After that u can create a new layer by clicking the  icon right there (beside the folder icon at the bottom of panel groups) . And at your panel groups you’ll have a transparent layer that named ‘layer 1’.

Go to the brush tool, in your tools panel. And simply choose a brush to colour your eyes. I choose soft round pressure brush and sized it into 22px , it has to fit your eyeballs, because you’re eyes don’t want to look like faked edited one are you? But if you want another typical brush its okay to.
Still on layer 1 and carefully paint your eyeballs with the brush after u pick a color of your brush. I choose blue for this edit.

 TIPS: Why it has to be in Layer 1? Because if you made a mistake with your brushes, you can erase the mistakes one without ruining the image. 

After you carefully paint you eyes, it looks pretty unblend with the eyes. Thats when the layer 1 took an important job in this method.
Go to the erase tool, with a little sized low pressure brush, and simply erase the brushed color that blocking the lashes, make it neat as possible. And it will look like this.

Its pretty neat than before, so all you gotta do is go to the blending options, (its above the layer 1 and the brush icon. Click it and choose “overlay”. And it will look like this.

Overlay is a blending option that allows you to blend your image and certain image to make it realistic, just like this result above.


Good luck!

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