Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Can't wait for see the film CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 !!!!! Awww

Hey guys!!
I just want to tell you something about movie. You know the movie CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALL? That movie is very interesting movie and good for children, adult, and other!! And then I can't believe it! OMG !!
That sequel of the movie will be premiere at September 27th 2013!! Aahhhh can't wait for see that awww..


That movie is tell about  fall down the fast food we want like sandwich, burger, spagetti, ice cream, and much more of course! and we can make the size of the fast food to our liking. 

The idea began when the flint Lockwood makes a machine that could make a meal fast. Wowwww that was amazing!!!!!
but the presence of the human fast food turns into fat and irregular diet. And that a trouble, Flint's made!
And now that sequel story takes place in the film CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2!!!!!!!!! Oh Awesomeee awww :3
So can't wait to see that the sequel on Sept 27th 2013, KEEP WAITING GUYS!!!!! GBU
Thank you for read this. I love you guys!


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